
Showing posts from December, 2019

Junub Roza

How Can Fast Be Valid Without Ghusl Yahoo Answers A. (drzakirnaik): as far as bathing is concerned i. e. ghusul, whether it is done for a religious fardh if you are in a state of ‘junub’ i. e. sexual defilement or whether it is done to clean your body to remove dirt or you feeling sticky or bathing is done if you are feeling thirsty or you are feeling hot whatever reason it is done for as long as the person does not swallow water the fast. It is obligatory for a woman on her period or bleeding after childbirth to fast after her state of bleeding is over and she is clean from it, meaning to make qaza for the missed roza. Source(s): the fasting person can begin fasting whilst in the state of janaabah phophet muhammed (saw) practice that if he was in a state of janaabah from his wives when dawn broke he would take a bath after the break of dawn and fast. from aa'ishah and umm salamah, radiyallaahu 'anhumaa: 'that sometimes the prophet (saw) was in a state if janaabah from his